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Thanks to one and all for these fine awards.
You have indeed honored me.

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The "FortNight Award Bronze" was presented by Ekner who said:
"I like your site very much especially the personal content and the very informational part concerning the countries where you lived."

Chris Cruickshank of PCSupport presented this site with the "Web Excellence Award" Level 4. He said: "Nice site Adnan - I particularly enjoyed the photos - you have been to some great places!! Keep up the good work!"

The "Award of Excellence" is presented by the Drag'N'Ladys Lair. "I have just come back from your website and I have great pleasure in awarding you my award. You have a lovely family and its nice to see a well presented site" were the words used when presenting this award.

The "Museum of Tatooine's Award of Excellence" was presented by
Daisy Lane.

The "Excellence in Web Design" award was presented by Robin of
"Get Caught in Robin's Web".
"The design and layout of your web world is excellent!" were the words used when presenting this award.

The "KuTyPiE's sEaL oF ExCeLLeNcE!" award was presented by Cheryl aKa dA
About this site she said:
"Congratulations! You have just won Kutypie's Award! I think your site is excellent! "