"Estimating Uplift of Foundations Due to Expansion: A Case History", Adnan A. Basma. Geotechnical Engineering Journal, Southeast Asia Geotechnical Society, Vol. 22, No. 2, Dec. 1991, pp. 217-232.


This work was undertaken to show how uplift of foundations could be predicted by using available equations and/or appropriate laboratory tests. A case study in Irbid City in Northern Jordan was utilized for this purpose. In this study the bursting of a water pipe beneath the footings of a structure caused an increase in the water content of the soil thereby resulting in expansion. Several boreholes were drilled under the damaged area and various laboratory tests were conducted on core samples including swell tests. The swell potential or percent was evaluated for specimens under equivalent footing stresses by two methods. The first is through equations readily available in the literature and the second is by conducting restrained swell tests in the laboratory. The results indicate that the amount of foundation uplift can be predicted, with reasonable accuracy, by either method provided that the active zone is well defined.

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