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Music: "Wananbe" by Spice Girls (selected by Tina)

Things Tina is crazy about


Tina is the next to the youngest child of Adnan and Rana Basma. She was born on June 30, 1991 at Ibn Al-Nafees Hospital in Irbid - Jordan. She was named after the rock singer Tina Turner.

Tina is a very demanding and energetic child. She loves to swim and play with her barbie dolls. She enjoys watching (over and over again) most of Disney's animated cartoon movies. Her favorite are Rush Hour, Spice World, Big Mama's House and Vertical Limit. She takes pleasure from giving orders especially to her brother She takes pleasure from giving orders especially to her brother Adib and expects them obeyed. She is carzy about her new brother Jad. She dreams of becoming a Business Woman when she grows up.

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Birthdays:   Adib's 9
th    Tina's 7th    Tina's 10th    Jad's 1st   Jad's 2nd
