Music: "Everybody" by Backstreet Boys (Selected by Adib)

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Adib, is the elder child of Adnan and Rana Basma. He was born on February 18, 1989 at Ibn Al-Nafees Hospital in Irbid - Jordan. He was named after his grandfather.

Adib is a very active and dynamic child. He loves to ice skate and gets a thrill out of teasing his sister TinaHe is crazy about his younger born brother Jad. His favorite movies are Urban Legends (all parts) and all sorts of horror movies. He loves watching the NBA and his favorite team is the Philadelphia 76ers. He likes listening to music especially to Craig david, P diddy and loves to Breakdance. He likes soccer especially Real Madrid. He would like to visit the Skydome in Toronto and the Veterans Stadium in Pennsylvania. He enjoys computer games and constantly messes with his father's computer even though it is password protected. He would like to be a basketball player when he grows up.

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Birthdays:   Adib's 9
th    Tina's 7th    Tina's 10th    Jad's 1st   Jad's 2nd


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